Monday, November 18, 2013

In Sister Christian, by Night Ranger, we are being asked some very important questions....

Night Ranger - Sister Christian ( 1989 ).
In The Popular 1989 Classic: " Sister Christian " - written by Kelly Keagy [ that means: " The Man Of Strife And War Is My Guardian At The Hedge " ] and performed by Night Ranger [ which means: " The: Wanderer, Guardian, And Protector - Amidst All Of Your Own Darkness " ] - we are being asked A Very Important Spiritual Question.
" What's Your Price For Flight; And In Finding Mr. Right? "

Are you ready for: " His Wedding Feast"?
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch The Following Musical Video for: " Sister Christian "? You see, The Rain Has Already Begun Falling; and ( whether you believe it or not ) The Truth Is Now All Around You!

America In Prophecy

Sister Christian ( 1984 ) by: Night Ranger.
[ " Sister Christian, The Time Has Come... " ]

Sister Christian: Asks You A Spiritual Question
Sister Christian,
Oh the time has come;
And you know that you're the only one -
To say O.K.
Where you going?
What you looking for?
You know those boys,
Don't want to play no more with you...
It's true!

You're motoring....
What's your price for flight;
In finding mister right?
You'll be alright tonight!

Babe, you know...
You're growing up so fast;
And mama's worrying,
That you won't last.
To say let's play...
Sister Christian,
There's so much in life.
Don't you give it up,
Before your time is due...
It's true!
It's true!!!! ( yeah )

What's your price for flight?
You've got him in your sight;
And driving thru the night.
What's your price for flight?
In finding mister right?
You'll be alright tonight!

What's your price for flight;
In finding mister right?
You'll be alright tonight!

Sister Christian,
Oh the time has come;
And you know that you're the only one...
To say O.K.
But, you're motoring....
You're motoring....

Have you heard: " The Backwater Gospel "?
So, what's the meaning of Motoring?

Well, actually, it means: " To Contentedly Lay Back In The Automobile, With Your Own Eyes Closed, While Having Someone Else Do The Driving "... and, in the much larger scheme of things, ' You Had Better Pray That You've Chosen The Correct Driver '!

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's Own: Love and Peace - be, continually, upon you!


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